Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Out of Sorts

I can only take so much craziness before I run out of energy. Between long hours at the office and long visits at the hospital, I am worn out both emotionally and physically.

Near the end of April I had to let an employee go for excessive absences and tardiness. The employee was in her first 90 days. I've spent a lot of time training this person and now I am stuck covering all of her job duties as well as my own. When I went to try to balance my financials for the month of April I discovered employee theft. I am working with the police in the hopes that we will have enough evidence to obtain a warrant. This situation makes me physically ill. Everytime I think of someone stealing I want to vomit. And adding one more thing to my plate has literally made me dizzy with over load. On top of that I need to hire for another position here in the office to take some of the load off my assistant and then I get to tackle a database conversion. Can you say mission impossible?

Outside of work, I am just plain frustrated. DH is trying to help, but our house feels out of control. He has taken over the laundry which is a huge help. Last night I went to take something out of the dryer and discovered he has not been cleaning the lint trap. It was so compacted I had to get a stiff broom to get the lint off. Now I need to have the vent line cleaned. So stupid and scary! He could've burned the house down. I also discovered he has a library book one month over due which I will have to track down tonight.

To top it all off we are being audited by the IRS! DH has done our taxes for the past two years and the IRS has questions about our 2006 return. DH changed jobs and the IRS wants documentation on the transfer of his employee stock program shares. This should be so easy. We have a file...go back and copy the roll over docs and send to IRS. But no, DH doesn't want to look through the file. He calls shareholder services and requests a letter explaining his roll over. It took two weeks to get the letter and guess what...IRS requires a copy of the roll over enrollment form. He has one week to get it done. Guess I'll be doing that after work tonight too. Frustrated doesn't even begin to describe it.

I've even lost my scrapbooking and cardmaking mojo. I have an order for 10 cards for the fundraising program and I am picking up the supplies tomorrow night. I'm hoping this will get me back in the groove. What I really want to do is organize my scrap room. I've been hoping to find a copy of the new CK organizing book to get me inspired but no luck yet.

Oh my goodness. I can't believe that you are having sooo many things going on at once. I think I would've just crashed. Good luck with everything. I'm sure everything will get better soon.
take heart my dear, times like these are only for a season.. I'll be praying for you.. remember.. take the time to just breathe.
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