Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Fingers Crossed!

I am so hoping that the Silhouette will be on special offer at my Quickutz Club meeting tonight! I have three loyalty cards saved up and a little extra cash squirrelled away just for this.

But I am trying not to get too excited. I was in the store on Friday and the only Silhouette was the display/demo unit. Even with a terrific price, I am gonna be hard pressed to special order from my lss. My last two special orders were both for Quickutz items and both were exercises in total frustration! Allow me to vent...

The lss had a storewide 25% off sale. I selected two QK alphabets, Lucy and Daisy, from the display. When I get to the counter, they have already sold out of Daisy. I'm told if I pre-pay the sale price they will order the item for me and have it to me within 2 weeks. I agree. 2 weeks go by without a word from the store. I go in to shop and ask the staff to check on my order. They pull out a notebook of special orders and show me that my order is there. Um, what does that mean? They are still waiting for the product. Any idea when I should expect it? No clue.

I wait a week before I go back to the store with the same question. I am shown the same order form and offered no information on the shipping of the item. I request to see the manager. She looks at my order and apologizes. Says she will have to research the order with QK and will get back to me on when to expect my item. I wait another week and return to the store. The manager tells me it will be another week before my item arrives. I wait and return. I ask about my item. The staff cannot find my order in the notebook, but they did recieve their shipment from QK. I ask to see the manager. She also cannot find my order but she remembers my situation. She sends someone into the back to get my Daisy alphabet. The associate comes back stating there is only one Daisy and that it is being held as a special order for someone else. The manager tells her we'll worry about that later and removes the hold information from the package. She then asks me how I would like to pay for it! I paid for it 5 weeks ago when it was ordered. I have to provide a receipt, which they verify in their computer system. I am about to boil over. The manager steps aside and apologizes. She tells me they are working on a new system for special orders etc.

Then in early December at QK Club night, I am presented with a special opportunity to order the Revolution at a reduced price. The club leader states it will arrive in 2 weeks. I turn in my order at the counter and the manager says they cannot guarantee a 2 week delivery but that it will definitely arrive before the end of the year. I wait and wait. I ask about it at the store and the staff doesn't even know what a Revolution is! I keep asking and calling. I'm told the shipment has been lost and QK is tracking the box. I'm livid that the order is so late and no one has called me with an explanation. Where is the customer service? I call again and again. Finally, I am told that QK has backordered the item.

So I ask you, How sweet would the deal have to be before you considered a special order?

Such unfortunate situations. You are a patient person. But I don't know how quick I'd be to special order from them again.
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