Friday, November 24, 2006


Feast or Famine

Ah Thanksgiving, the ultimate food centered holiday! I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself as food is not yet my friend. I am very careful about what I eat right now and still I made myself sick yesterday. In fact my stomach still hurts. I am so bummed! My mom is convinced I need more nasty antibiotics and that the toxin producing bacteria are not completely out of my system. She's scaring the heck out of me.

I've had bad news at work as well. Just as I was beginning to think I was going to pull off my year end tasks and still manage to have a life one of my new assistants quit. I now need to hire two new people immediately. So I am working today even though we are closed in a vain attempt to keep my head above water.

But not all the news is bad! After work I am headed to my favorite LSS which promises all sorts of unannounced sales and specials tonight. I can handle three more hours in the office because I have this to look forward to :)

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