Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Baby Steps
I did it! I took those first baby steps to conquering the piles in my scrap space. Once I got started things seemed to just flow. I only made a tiny dent in the mess, but I feel really good about it and I am not dreading my next mission. Although I am sorely tempted to play with my scrap goodies, I really want the whole room finished before I start new layouts. So I am thinking I will work on getting some photos for my Book of Me for my creative reward time.
I really need to have Doug take some photos of just me. Like most scrappers I am nearly always the one behind the camera. Yesterday, Elsie Flannigan's blog featured a couple of self portraits. What a fun project! Still, I am totally critical of photos of myself. What would be so bad about having some silly poses? What if I actually went without makeup? And gasp! so what if I'm not wearing the most flattering jeans I own? Why am I so critical of pictures of me and no one else? Does anyone else have this problem?
One layout I am really excited to start will be to document my favorite song, Desperado by the Eagles. I've got a pink and brown palette and some cowgirl accessories all ready to go. What I don't have is a photo! I know I want to include the full lyrics to the song, but I have no idea what to do for the pics. I feel like I am going about this completely backwards, but I really want a layout about this song; it means a lot to me. My connection to the song has nothing to do with cowboy stuff but I keep thinking I'll just borrow a cowboy hat and take a couple of pics....maybe black & white...definitely nothing silly. I just can't think of how I could photograph or explain the connection I have to the words.
I really need to have Doug take some photos of just me. Like most scrappers I am nearly always the one behind the camera. Yesterday, Elsie Flannigan's blog featured a couple of self portraits. What a fun project! Still, I am totally critical of photos of myself. What would be so bad about having some silly poses? What if I actually went without makeup? And gasp! so what if I'm not wearing the most flattering jeans I own? Why am I so critical of pictures of me and no one else? Does anyone else have this problem?
One layout I am really excited to start will be to document my favorite song, Desperado by the Eagles. I've got a pink and brown palette and some cowgirl accessories all ready to go. What I don't have is a photo! I know I want to include the full lyrics to the song, but I have no idea what to do for the pics. I feel like I am going about this completely backwards, but I really want a layout about this song; it means a lot to me. My connection to the song has nothing to do with cowboy stuff but I keep thinking I'll just borrow a cowboy hat and take a couple of pics....maybe black & white...definitely nothing silly. I just can't think of how I could photograph or explain the connection I have to the words.
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I think that most women hate pictures of themselves, I know I'm very critical of mine.
I'm begining to like my self portraits. It seems like there is less pressure when it is just you and the camera. You can play around and use different angles and if you have a digital camera, just keep the ones you like. I've found that taking pictures from above (stretch your arm out and up a little bit above your face) result in the most flattering angles for me. Hope that helps. :-)
P.S. Photoshop is great for hiding blemishes.
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I'm begining to like my self portraits. It seems like there is less pressure when it is just you and the camera. You can play around and use different angles and if you have a digital camera, just keep the ones you like. I've found that taking pictures from above (stretch your arm out and up a little bit above your face) result in the most flattering angles for me. Hope that helps. :-)
P.S. Photoshop is great for hiding blemishes.
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